Tartar is a mineral accumulation caused by the hardening of plaque on the surface of the teeth over time. This accumulation can lead to gum diseases and caries. The formation of these stones accelerates when oral hygiene is not paid enough attention.
Tartar causes the tooth surface to become rough and increases the accumulation of bacteria. This can lead to inflammation of the gums and gum recession. Tartar removal is performed by dentists with professional tools. After the application, the brightness of the teeth is restored. In order to prevent the formation of tartar, regular dental check-ups and oral care are of great importance.
Why does tartar form?
The question of how tartar is formed is one of the curiosities of people who encounter this problem. Dental calculus is formed when oral hygiene is not paid attention to and teeth are not cleaned sufficiently. Plaques accumulate in the mouth and harden over time and become stones on the teeth.
So what happens if tartar is not cleaned? This can lead to gum diseases, inflammation and tooth decay. In addition, the answer to the question of whether tartar causes bad breath is yes. Because bacteria mostly accumulate in these areas.
These stones usually have an appearance ranging from light shades of yellow to black color. Therefore, the stones in question can be aesthetically disturbing. But are these stones really quite harmful? Yes, because they can cause gum recession and tooth loss. Therefore, cleaning should be done regularly.
If the tartar is not cleaned, the damages can be as follows:
When tartar is not cleaned, it seriously threatens oral health and can lead to consequences up to tooth loss. For this reason, dental calculus should be cleaned regularly and its formation should be prevented. When oral hygiene is not paid attention, the formation of these stones is inevitable. Therefore, cleaning should not be neglected and oral health should be protected.
Tartar Cleaning Price
The price of dental scaling is one of the curiosities about this procedure. This process contains various details specific to the person. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine a precise price. The price of scaling may vary depending on various factors.
The amount of stones formed at the bottom of the teeth, the length of the cleaning process and the equipment used can affect the price. In addition, the experience of the dentist performing the treatment and the location of the clinic are other factors that determine the cost.
The methods used during the tartar removal process are also another factor affecting the price. In some clinics, high-tech devices are used during scaling. In some places, more traditional methods may be preferred. For these reasons,the cost of dental cleaning may vary in each clinic and it is therefore important to get detailed information in advance.
Special paste and other products used in scaling can also affect the price. Such products are used to give the teeth a shiny and smooth appearance after scaling. This extra care may slightly increase the cost.
In summary, the price of scaling may vary according to the dental health of each individual. However, this treatment should be considered as an important step to avoid larger treatment costs in the future. Regular check-ups with the dentist and professional cleanings contribute to the protection of oral health.

Tartar Removal Price 2024
Tartar cleaning price 2024 stands out as an important issue for individuals who want to protect their dental health. Dental calculus occurs as a result of the hardening of plaque accumulated on the tooth surface over time and this formation can lead to gum diseases.
There is no clear answer to the question of why calculus occurs. However, maintaining good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of this problem.
Tartar removal procedures are performed by dentists with special tools. The cost of these procedures varies depending on the technology used and the experience of the dentist. It is also determined by the location of the clinic, the methods used and additional services. When the before and after of this cleaning is compared, it is clearly seen that the teeth have a healthier and more aesthetic appearance.
The prices of this treatment may vary due to individual details. For this reason, it is necessary to consult with the dentist to learn the prices. Regular scaling plays a critical role in preventing gum disease and maintaining overall oral health.
Libredent is a clinic where many applications related to oral and dental health are performed. You can contact us for Ankara teeth cleaning and other applications.