Milk Teeth

Milk Teeth

Milk teeth are the first teeth to erupt in children and usually begin to erupt in infancy, around the sixth month. These teeth are of great importance for the development of children’s chewing, speech and oral structure. Healthy milk teeth contribute to the health of the permanent teeth that will grow in the future. Generally, 20 milk teeth are completed by the age of 3.

Milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth over time and this process usually starts around the age of 6. When deciduous teeth start to fall out, children should not neglect regular check-ups with the dentist so that permanent teeth can erupt in a healthy way. During this period, attention should be paid to dental care to prevent tooth decay and gum problems. The timely and regular eruption of milk teeth is also extremely important for the proper development of the jaw structure. If decay or infection occurs in the deciduous teeth, this can negatively affect the health of the permanent teeth. Therefore, the care of primary teeth plays a critical role in supporting the emergence of permanent teeth.

When Do Milk Teeth Fall Out?

Milk teeth are children’s first teeth and usually begin to erupt during infancy. These teeth are very important for children to develop their feeding, chewing and speaking skills. Although the eruption times of teeth in children vary from person to person, usually the first tooth eruption in babies occurs between 6 and 12 months. Children have a total of 20 milk teeth. These teeth are completed by the age of 3.

Milk teeth begin to fall out after reaching a certain age to make room for permanent teeth to erupt. So, when do milk teeth fall out? The loss of deciduous teeth in children starts around the age of 6-7 and can continue until adolescence. Large teeth such as molars may take a little longer to fall out.

When do milk teeth fall out?

The timing of when milk teeth fall out can vary depending on how healthy the teeth are. Here are some factors that affect the process of milk teeth falling out:

  • Baby bottle decay: Dental caries caused by bottle use, especially during infancy, can cause teeth to fall out early.
  • Eruption times of milk teeth: The first teeth to erupt usually fall out earlier.
  • Milk tooth decay: Teeth with decay can fall out earlier than healthy teeth.

Milk teethin children usually start to fall out around the age of 6. The most important thing to pay attention to in this process is to take care of children’s dental health and not to interrupt regular dental check-ups. In order for the permanent teeth to erupt properly, it is of great importance that the milk teeth leave their place in a healthy way.

Milk Teeth

How to Extract Milk Teeth?

Milk teeth are temporary teeth in children and fall out over time to be replaced by permanent teeth. However, in some cases, milk teeth fall out naturally. Other times, they may need to be extracted with the intervention of dentists. The question of how to extract a deciduous tooth is usually asked in cases where deciduous teeth do not fall out naturally or prevent the underlying permanent tooth from erupting correctly.

Milk tooth extraction performed by the dentist is planned according to the dental health of the child. If the deciduous tooth does not fall out in accordance with the eruption times of the permanent teeth or if there is severe decay under the tooth, extraction is performed. At this point, the dentist evaluates the condition of the tooth and its roots by taking X-rays.

During the process of milk tooth extraction, the condition of the tooth and the time of eruption should be taken into consideration. Sometimes deciduous tooth extraction can be done ahead of time. If the decay is so advanced that tooth filling or root canal treatment cannot be performed, tooth extraction becomes inevitable.

The dentist will apply local anesthesia so that the child does not feel pain when the milk tooth is extracted. Although milk tooth extraction is a simple procedure in most cases, it is important for the child’s comfort that the process is carried out by physicians.

Libredent Oral and Dental Clinic is a dental polyclinic where adult or Ankara pediatric dental treatments and many other procedures are performed. You can contact us for detailed information and appointments.

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